In his 1996 letter, Buffett wrote that being a "low-cost operator" is directly responsible for the success of Berkshire's GEICO auto insurance subsidiary. "Low costs permit low prices, and low prices attract and retain good policyholders." And when those customers recommend GEICO to their friends, the company gets an "enormous savings in acquisition expenses, and that makes our costs still lower."
If you run a small business Supporting an employee affected by cancer can be tough, especially when you run a small business. You may be worried about how it will impact your team and day-to-day running of the business. Find out about your legal responsibilities as well as ways of supporting your employees through their cancer or bereavement. How can I talk about cancer with employees? Hear advice from HR professionals on how to talk to people with cancer. Also hear how people told colleagues about their diagnosis. Talking about cancer > How can I find out more information about cancer? A cancer doctor explains how cancer develops, how it can be treated, and what might happen. Understanding cancer > What impact will cancer have on my business? Find out how a small company should deal with the financial implications of an employee with a cancer diagnosis. Managing the impact on finances > What are my legal responsibilities? Find out how two employers made temporary changes to their employees' work duties to help them remain in work during treatment for cancer. Understanding your legal responsibilities > How can I help with bereavement? Hear how two managers handled the death of their colleagues, the impact it had on their teams, and advice from a bereavement counsellor. Helping with bereavement > What support can I give to carers? Watch real examples of how people were supported by their employers when they were looking after someone with cancer. Supporting people who look after someone with cancer >
Whether it’s following a passion or having more control over your time to devote to family, always remember why you started down this road in the first place. It’s easy to get carried away and forget what it was you wanted from your own business. I, for example, was driven by quality-of-life factors, especially time off for my other passion -- travel. At times, temporary sacrifice may be truly necessary, but it pays to be conscious of when you’re in danger of permanently shelving the very thing you wanted most.

Know which hats you wear best. In the early months and years of your business, you’ll have to acquire many skills. Gain the background you need to oversee all the facets of your business, but also determine what tasks you should outsource or hire employees to manage.

The couple settled on perfecting one signature dish – the Shrimpster. It features either battered and fried or grilled prawns served on a light brioche bun with a cucumber and dill salad, caramelised red onions, samphire and their own sauce.

Hire superstars. If you intend to create a growing business, your number one duty is to assemble a team of superstar employees in your game-breaker positions. Game-breaker positions are key positions, such as the president/CEO (that’s you), the financial person, the sales manager, the marketing manager, the production manager, the office manager, the purchasing agent, the art director, and so on, that will make or break your company.
‘We have just done a $5million dollar deal with a private investor,’ he tells the Mail. ‘We have signed contracts.’ Mr Fernandez declined to name the investor. Investors will be relieved, for up to now, it seems, vVoosh has not made a single penny.
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8. Keep it small. In 2006, Buffett wrote that he's skeptical "about the ability of big entities of any type to function well." In his opinion, "size seems to make many organizations slow-thinking, resistant to change and smug." That's one reason Berkshire's corporate headquarters still has only a handful of employees, with almost all the managing work left to its unit's managers. "It is a real pleasure to work with managers who enjoy coming to work each morning and, once there, instinctively and unerringly think like owners."
You can claim a proportion of the cost of things like council tax, heating, lighting, phone calls and broadband. You can use a flat rate to calculate your simplified allowable expenses starting from the 2013 to 2014 tax year.
Running costs If your business does lend itself to home working there can be many benefits, especially when it comes to costs. Premises are usually the next biggest overhead after salary, so not renting or buying business premises can keep your outgoings down. This can be a great benefit in the early days when revenue and cash flow may be challenging to predict and manage.
But while there may never be a good time to take a holiday when you’re the boss, entrepreneur Lara Morgan says time out can benefit your business. She sold her business (Pacific Direct) in 2008 and now invests her time in small, high growth ventures.
Fast, good, or cheap — pick any two. Serious trouble awaits those business owners who attempt to be all things to the marketplace. Focus on what you do best.
I've been a creative entrepreneur since 2005. My first design company was a partnership with my significant other. It was largely a freestyle experiment in running a business, conducted live over the course of five years. As a business, it was marginally successful. As a learning experience, it was my equivalent of a masters of business administration.
Hi, this is probably dense of me, but could you please explain how things like book-keeping etc could be outsourced to an overseas V.A. ? By the time I had scanned in the receipts & emailed them to the person, or emailed a list of outgoing & incoming finance, I might as well have written it up into the accounts book myself! Seriously, please, how does it work??? I just can’t picture it. Thanks
The nature of your work needs to be suitable for home working – for example, running a scrap metal business from a home in a quiet residential area may not be conducive to good relations with the neighbours and the local authority. Even, what might be considered to be minor inconveniences to those who live nearby, such as frequent deliveries or regular visits from customers, can cause friction.
During my placement with Enterprise I was given the chance to work within two different rental locations in Enterprise’s North England region and had great exposure to a range of key areas of the business, including sales, marketing, customer service and financial management. I worked with fantastic, really supportive teams throughout the year, enabling me to learn a great deal during my placement.
Registration applies to most types of food business, including catering businesses run from home and mobile or temporary premises, such as stalls and vans. You should register your premises with the environmental health service at your local authority at least 28 days before opening – registration is free. If you have more than one premises, you will need to register all of them. You can register using the food business registration service on GOV.UK. If you plan to manufacture food using products of animal origin such as meat, fish, milk and dairy products and you aren’t exclusively selling the products that you make to the public, then you might need to be approved first by your local authority. You should contact your local authority for advice before you start, and if necessary they can provide you with the application form and help you to apply.
Of course, it also means considerable debt. Successive governments have sought to increase the numbers going on to higher education, but with increasing fees that may reverse. People are taking a long hard look at the value of degrees.
Don’t go it alone. Tap into resources, such as small-business peers, mentors, and trade associations, that can help take some of the energy-draining trial and error out of starting and running your business.
In that same letter, Buffett warns that even a great company can see its "value stagnate in the presence of hubris or of boredom that caused the attention of managers to wander." The result: A "sidetracked" leadership that "neglects its wonderful base business while purchasing other businesses that are so-so or worse." In this area, Buffett argues that "inactivity strikes us as intelligent behavior." In 1982, a year that saw a number of corporate deals, Buffett thought that in many of them, "managerial intellect wilted in competition with managerial adrenaline. The thrill of the chase blinded the pursuers to the consequences of the catch."
3. Keep your focus. In that same letter, Buffett warns that even a great company can see its "value stagnate in the presence of hubris or of boredom that caused the attention of managers to wander." The result: A "sidetracked" leadership that "neglects its wonderful base business while purchasing other businesses that are so-so or worse." In this area, Buffett argues that "inactivity strikes us as intelligent behavior." In 1982, a year that saw a number of corporate deals, Buffett thought that in many of them, "managerial intellect wilted in competition with managerial adrenaline. The thrill of the chase blinded the pursuers to the consequences of the catch."
However, it seems the most sought-after, from Borough and Maltby Street to Broadway Market, have been so inundated with requests for stalls, that they've closed their waiting lists, so even getting a pitch is increasingly competitive. A new source of help is now at hand. Forget the boot camp that promises to fine-hone one's physique, the newest regime is designed as a kick-start for those in the early stages of starting and growing a food business.
Should I work from home? When thinking about running a business from home you need to consider a number of factors. The nature of your work The nature of your work needs to be suitable for home working – for example, running a scrap metal business from a home in a quiet residential area may not be conducive to good relations with the neighbours and the local authority. Even, what might be considered to be minor inconveniences to those who live nearby, such as frequent deliveries or regular visits from customers, can cause friction. Running costs If your business does lend itself to home working there can be many benefits, especially when it comes to costs. Premises are usually the next biggest overhead after salary, so not renting or buying business premises can keep your outgoings down. This can be a great benefit in the early days when revenue and cash flow may be challenging to predict and manage. Travelling costs Unsurprisingly, many people find the prospect of a 60 second commute far more attractive than an hour or so each way to and from work: a couple of hours a day equates to more than an extra day that you can spend on your business each week! You also avoid the expense of travelling. Staying focussed Working from home is not for everyone. Some people find it hard to focus on their work, especially when there are domestic distractions such as household chores, needy children and pets. A dedicated work area To avoid distractions it can help to carve out a space that’s dedicated to work, such as a room, a garden shed, or a screened-off area – a practical space that when occupied by you indicates that you are ‘at work’ and not to be disturbed. Keeping in touch Some individuals feel too isolated when working from home, but that’s much less of a problem these days when it’s so easy to keep in contact with associates, suppliers, customers and clients via email, social media and telephone.
If you run a small business Supporting an employee affected by cancer can be tough, especially when you run a small business. You may be worried about how it will impact your team and day-to-day running of the business. Find out about your legal responsibilities as well as ways of supporting your employees through their cancer or bereavement. How can I talk about cancer with employees? Hear advice from HR professionals on how to talk to people with cancer. Also hear how people told colleagues about their diagnosis. Talking about cancer > How can I find out more information about cancer? A cancer doctor explains how cancer develops, how it can be treated, and what might happen. Understanding cancer > What impact will cancer have on my business? Find out how a small company should deal with the financial implications of an employee with a cancer diagnosis. Managing the impact on finances > What are my legal responsibilities? Find out how two employers made temporary changes to their employees' work duties to help them remain in work during treatment for cancer. Understanding your legal responsibilities > How can I help with bereavement? Hear how two managers handled the death of their colleagues, the impact it had on their teams, and advice from a bereavement counsellor. Helping with bereavement > What support can I give to carers? Watch real examples of how people were supported by their employers when they were looking after someone with cancer. Supporting people who look after someone with cancer >
Whether it’s following a passion or having more control over your time to devote to family, always remember why you started down this road in the first place. It’s easy to get carried away and forget what it was you wanted from your own business. I, for example, was driven by quality-of-life factors, especially time off for my other passion -- travel. At times, temporary sacrifice may be truly necessary, but it pays to be conscious of when you’re in danger of permanently shelving the very thing you wanted most.
Know which hats you wear best. In the early months and years of your business, you’ll have to acquire many skills. Gain the background you need to oversee all the facets of your business, but also determine what tasks you should outsource or hire employees to manage.
The couple settled on perfecting one signature dish – the Shrimpster. It features either battered and fried or grilled prawns served on a light brioche bun with a cucumber and dill salad, caramelised red onions, samphire and their own sauce.

Hire superstars. If you intend to create a growing business, your number one duty is to assemble a team of superstar employees in your game-breaker positions. Game-breaker positions are key positions, such as the president/CEO (that’s you), the financial person, the sales manager, the marketing manager, the production manager, the office manager, the purchasing agent, the art director, and so on, that will make or break your company.
‘We have just done a $5million dollar deal with a private investor,’ he tells the Mail. ‘We have signed contracts.’ Mr Fernandez declined to name the investor. Investors will be relieved, for up to now, it seems, vVoosh has not made a single penny.
View all comments > Order by newest oldest recommendations Show 25 25 50 100 All Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded Loading comments… Trouble loading? View more comments Signed in as Show comment Hide comment Hide comment Welcome , you’re about to make your first comment! Before you post, we’d like to thank you for joining the debate - we’re glad you’ve chosen to participate and we value your opinions and experiences. Please choose your username under which you would like all your comments to show up. You can only set your username once. Username: Must be 6-20 characters, letters and/or numbers only, no spaces. Please keep your posts respectful and abide by the community guidelines - and if you spot a comment you think doesn’t adhere to the guidelines, please use the ‘Report’ link next to it to let us know. Please preview your comment below and click ‘post’ when you’re happy with it. Post your comment Cancel Your comments are currently being pre-moderated (why?) Please keep comments respectful and abide by the community guidelines. Enter comment Post your comment Preview Hide preview Cancel B i ” Link most viewed
8. Keep it small. In 2006, Buffett wrote that he's skeptical "about the ability of big entities of any type to function well." In his opinion, "size seems to make many organizations slow-thinking, resistant to change and smug." That's one reason Berkshire's corporate headquarters still has only a handful of employees, with almost all the managing work left to its unit's managers. "It is a real pleasure to work with managers who enjoy coming to work each morning and, once there, instinctively and unerringly think like owners."
You can claim a proportion of the cost of things like council tax, heating, lighting, phone calls and broadband. You can use a flat rate to calculate your simplified allowable expenses starting from the 2013 to 2014 tax year.
Running costs If your business does lend itself to home working there can be many benefits, especially when it comes to costs. Premises are usually the next biggest overhead after salary, so not renting or buying business premises can keep your outgoings down. This can be a great benefit in the early days when revenue and cash flow may be challenging to predict and manage.
But while there may never be a good time to take a holiday when you’re the boss, entrepreneur Lara Morgan says time out can benefit your business. She sold her business (Pacific Direct) in 2008 and now invests her time in small, high growth ventures.
Fast, good, or cheap — pick any two. Serious trouble awaits those business owners who attempt to be all things to the marketplace. Focus on what you do best.
I've been a creative entrepreneur since 2005. My first design company was a partnership with my significant other. It was largely a freestyle experiment in running a business, conducted live over the course of five years. As a business, it was marginally successful. As a learning experience, it was my equivalent of a masters of business administration.
Hi, this is probably dense of me, but could you please explain how things like book-keeping etc could be outsourced to an overseas V.A. ? By the time I had scanned in the receipts & emailed them to the person, or emailed a list of outgoing & incoming finance, I might as well have written it up into the accounts book myself! Seriously, please, how does it work??? I just can’t picture it. Thanks
The nature of your work needs to be suitable for home working – for example, running a scrap metal business from a home in a quiet residential area may not be conducive to good relations with the neighbours and the local authority. Even, what might be considered to be minor inconveniences to those who live nearby, such as frequent deliveries or regular visits from customers, can cause friction.
During my placement with Enterprise I was given the chance to work within two different rental locations in Enterprise’s North England region and had great exposure to a range of key areas of the business, including sales, marketing, customer service and financial management. I worked with fantastic, really supportive teams throughout the year, enabling me to learn a great deal during my placement.
Registration applies to most types of food business, including catering businesses run from home and mobile or temporary premises, such as stalls and vans. You should register your premises with the environmental health service at your local authority at least 28 days before opening – registration is free. If you have more than one premises, you will need to register all of them. You can register using the food business registration service on GOV.UK. If you plan to manufacture food using products of animal origin such as meat, fish, milk and dairy products and you aren’t exclusively selling the products that you make to the public, then you might need to be approved first by your local authority. You should contact your local authority for advice before you start, and if necessary they can provide you with the application form and help you to apply.
Of course, it also means considerable debt. Successive governments have sought to increase the numbers going on to higher education, but with increasing fees that may reverse. People are taking a long hard look at the value of degrees.
Don’t go it alone. Tap into resources, such as small-business peers, mentors, and trade associations, that can help take some of the energy-draining trial and error out of starting and running your business.
In that same letter, Buffett warns that even a great company can see its "value stagnate in the presence of hubris or of boredom that caused the attention of managers to wander." The result: A "sidetracked" leadership that "neglects its wonderful base business while purchasing other businesses that are so-so or worse." In this area, Buffett argues that "inactivity strikes us as intelligent behavior." In 1982, a year that saw a number of corporate deals, Buffett thought that in many of them, "managerial intellect wilted in competition with managerial adrenaline. The thrill of the chase blinded the pursuers to the consequences of the catch."
3. Keep your focus. In that same letter, Buffett warns that even a great company can see its "value stagnate in the presence of hubris or of boredom that caused the attention of managers to wander." The result: A "sidetracked" leadership that "neglects its wonderful base business while purchasing other businesses that are so-so or worse." In this area, Buffett argues that "inactivity strikes us as intelligent behavior." In 1982, a year that saw a number of corporate deals, Buffett thought that in many of them, "managerial intellect wilted in competition with managerial adrenaline. The thrill of the chase blinded the pursuers to the consequences of the catch."
However, it seems the most sought-after, from Borough and Maltby Street to Broadway Market, have been so inundated with requests for stalls, that they've closed their waiting lists, so even getting a pitch is increasingly competitive. A new source of help is now at hand. Forget the boot camp that promises to fine-hone one's physique, the newest regime is designed as a kick-start for those in the early stages of starting and growing a food business.
Should I work from home? When thinking about running a business from home you need to consider a number of factors. The nature of your work The nature of your work needs to be suitable for home working – for example, running a scrap metal business from a home in a quiet residential area may not be conducive to good relations with the neighbours and the local authority. Even, what might be considered to be minor inconveniences to those who live nearby, such as frequent deliveries or regular visits from customers, can cause friction. Running costs If your business does lend itself to home working there can be many benefits, especially when it comes to costs. Premises are usually the next biggest overhead after salary, so not renting or buying business premises can keep your outgoings down. This can be a great benefit in the early days when revenue and cash flow may be challenging to predict and manage. Travelling costs Unsurprisingly, many people find the prospect of a 60 second commute far more attractive than an hour or so each way to and from work: a couple of hours a day equates to more than an extra day that you can spend on your business each week! You also avoid the expense of travelling. Staying focussed Working from home is not for everyone. Some people find it hard to focus on their work, especially when there are domestic distractions such as household chores, needy children and pets. A dedicated work area To avoid distractions it can help to carve out a space that’s dedicated to work, such as a room, a garden shed, or a screened-off area – a practical space that when occupied by you indicates that you are ‘at work’ and not to be disturbed. Keeping in touch Some individuals feel too isolated when working from home, but that’s much less of a problem these days when it’s so easy to keep in contact with associates, suppliers, customers and clients via email, social media and telephone.
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