See the impact of our work Sehrish: Girl Power helped me continue my studies Plan International Pakistan’s Girl Power Programme is supporting young women like Sehrish to continue their studies and move on to further education so they can follow their ambitions. Toilets keep women and girls healthy and safe Plan International Pakistan and partners are helping women and girls to stay healthy and safe by improving access to toilets and reducing levels of open defecation. How a seesaw became a vital water source at school See how a recreational seesaw became a vital water pump for a school in Vehrai, Pakistan, providing clean water to thousands of school girls. Female-only rickshaw breaks barriers for women The launch of a female-only rickshaw taxi service in Punjab Chakwal in Pakistan aims to provide women with a level of safety and security that is otherwise difficult to find, alongside an empowered sense of mobility, as they travel throughout their city. A fresh start The story of one young women's journey to independence following life altering consequences of an early marriage. 'Handy Skills' training sparks a business idea Something very interesting is happening in south Punjab - young women are training to work as electricians. In a region that is host to patriarchal societies that cling to traditions, these young women challenge gender stereotypes every day. Protecting their rights Domestic workers in the slums of Islamabad stick together to demand equal treatment. Youth advocates improve access to quality education Plan International, in collaboration with Oxfam GB, Action Aid, Care International and Work Vision, has entered into an alliance called Girls Education Alliance Pakistan (GEAP) to ensure the participation of children in decision making via powerful advocacy campaigns.

Decades of internal political disputes and low levels of foreign investment have led to slow growth and underdevelopment in Pakistan. Pakistan has a large English-speaking population. Nevertheless, a challenging security environment, electricity shortages, and a burdensome investment climate have deterred investors. Agriculture accounts for one-fifth of output and two-fifths of employment. Textiles and apparel account for most of Pakistan's export earnings, and Pakistan's failure to diversify its exports has left the country vulnerable to shifts in world demand. Pakistan’s GDP growth has gradually increased since 2012. Official unemployment was 6.1% in 2016, but this fails to capture the true picture, because much of the economy is informal and underemployment remains high. Human development continues to lag behind most of the region.

In August, the Supreme Court ruled for the first time on cases from these courts, upholding the verdicts and death sentences imposed on 16 civilians. The Court ruled that the appellants had not proved that the military violated their constitutional rights or failed to follow procedure. According to lawyers, the accused were denied access to legal counsel of their choice, and to military court records when preparing their appeals. Some of the accused were allegedly subjected to enforced disappearance, torture and other ill-treatment, and at least two were reportedly under 18 when arrested.

1 / 5 Caption This satellite image dramatically delineates the fertile and well-watered lower Indus Valley in Pakistan and the more arid areas to the east (Thar Desert in India) and west (Balochistan Plateau). Red dots indicate burning fires. Image courtesy of NASA. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 946X710122.3 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 2 / 5 Caption A centuries-old settlement that now ranks among the world's largest, Pakistan's seaport city of Karachi mixes intense urbanization with remnants of a natural environment. This true-color satellite image of Karachi shows the southwestern edges of the city.Two rivers, the Lyari and Malir, pass through Karachi en route to the Arabian Sea. The Lyari River passes north of the Port of Karachi, and expansive salt works, appearing as large geometric areas of green, line the northern edge of that river's delta. East of the port, the Malir River flows southward toward the sea. Between the port and the Arabian Sea, a barrier island runs northwest-southeast (left edge of the image). East of this island and west of the port sits a large expanse of water and mangroves. Water in the Lyari River Delta must empty into the sea through the Baba Channel. Sediment colors the water flowing through that channel a lighter color than the surrounding ocean. Immediately east of the Port of Karachi lie two more mangroves, the larger of which is named Chinna Creek.Many of Karachi's oldest structures and most popular tourist attractions appear in the city center just northeast of the port, but street grids cover almost all of the available land outside of the mangroves. Photo courtesy of NASA. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 720X480100.5 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 3 / 5 Caption This view shows K-2 Mountain (upper center) in Pakistan, the world's second highest peak, as seen from the International Space Station. The mountain (8,611 m; 28,251 ft high) is sometimes referred to as Savage Mountain, because of the difficulty of its ascent and the many lives lost in attempting its climb. Image courtesy of NASA. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 639X42376.6 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 4 / 5 Caption Deep purple and green hues in this false-color satellite image enhance the Waziristan Hills, a mountainous region of northwest Pakistan near the Afghanistan border. A formidable landscape, the Waziristan Hills are a hodgepodge of steep, rugged hills split by narrow passes and deep gorges. Rivers coursing down from the mountains provide water for agriculture in a region of scanty rainfall. Image courtesy of USGS. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 1392X1500663.2 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 5 / 5 Caption The Hunza Valley in the Northern Areas is believed to have served as the inspiration for the novel Lost Horizons. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 1500X930172.0 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice
A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. The male and female populations are broken down into 5-year age groups represented as horizontal bars along the vertical axis, with the youngest age groups at the bottom and the oldest at the top. The shape of the population pyramid gradually evolves over time based on fertility, mortality, and international migration trends.For additional information, please see the entry for Population pyramid on the Definitions and Notes page under the References tab.
Last night, a suicide attack on a shrine in Pakistan killed at least 88 people and injured a further 250 at last count. This comes just two days after a suicide bomber attacked a rally in Lahore, the cultural heart of Pakistan, and killed over a dozen people. Isis has claimed responsibility for the deaths, causing terror and distress across the country.
Population Pyramid A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. The male and female populations are broken down into 5-year age groups represented as horizontal bars along the vertical axis, with the youngest age groups at the bottom and the oldest at the top. The shape of the population pyramid gradually evolves over time based on fertility, mortality, and international migration trends.For additional information, please see the entry for Population pyramid on the Definitions and Notes page under the References tab.
Welcome to Pakistan Post Pakistan Post has a broad and varied role to play beyond provision of communication link for individuals and businesses. Keeping pace with the changing communications market, Pakistan Post is emphasizing in the use of new communication and information technologies to move beyond what is traditionally regarded as a its core postal business. Pakistan post is committed to make secure and timely delivery of mail, money and material at the doorsteps of the customers at affordable cost. Economic Cooperation Organization (Postal Staff College Islamabad Pakistan)
How to disable your ad blocker for Adblock / Adblock Plus Click the Adblock/Adblock Plus icon, which is to the right of your address bar. On Adblock click "Don't run on pages on this domain". On Adblock Plus click "Enabled on this site" to disable ad blocking for the current website you are on. If you are in Firefox click "disable on". Firefox Tracking Protection If you are Private Browsing in Firefox, "Tracking Protection" may cause the adblock notice to show. It can be temporarily disabled by clicking the "shield" icon in the address bar. Ghostery Click the Ghostery icon. In versions before 6.0 click "whitelist site". In version 6.0 click "trust site" or add to your Trusted Site list. In versions before 6.0 you will see the message "Site is whitelisted". Click "reload the page to see your changes". uBlock Click the uBlock icon. Then click the big power button to whitelist the current web site, and its state will be remembered next time you visit the web site. Then reload the page.
State and non-state actors continued to discriminate against religious minorities, both Muslim and non-Muslim, in law and practice. Blasphemy laws remained in force and several new cases were registered, mostly in Punjab. The laws violated the rights to freedom of expression, thought, conscience and religion. Minorities, particularly Ahmadis, Hazaras and Dalits, continued to face restricted access to employment, health care, education and other basic services.
A centuries-old settlement that now ranks among the world's largest, Pakistan's seaport city of Karachi mixes intense urbanization with remnants of a natural environment. This true-color satellite image of Karachi shows the southwestern edges of the city.Two rivers, the Lyari and Malir, pass through Karachi en route to the Arabian Sea. The Lyari River passes north of the Port of Karachi, and expansive salt works, appearing as large geometric areas of green, line the northern edge of that river's delta. East of the port, the Malir River flows southward toward the sea. Between the port and the Arabian Sea, a barrier island runs northwest-southeast (left edge of the image). East of this island and west of the port sits a large expanse of water and mangroves. Water in the Lyari River Delta must empty into the sea through the Baba Channel. Sediment colors the water flowing through that channel a lighter color than the surrounding ocean. Immediately east of the Port of Karachi lie two more mangroves, the larger of which is named Chinna Creek.Many of Karachi's oldest structures and most popular tourist attractions appear in the city center just northeast of the port, but street grids cover almost all of the available land outside of the mangroves. Photo courtesy of NASA.
Mr. Mohammad Zahid Khokhar is one of the most outstanding and illustrious officers of Pakistan Customs Service. He started his laudable service career on 22nd Oct. 1985 and has, so far, given more than 32 years of his life to Pakistan Customs Service. He belongs to the 13th batch of Common Training Program (CTP). He is widely known and praised for his higher caliber, tireless professionalism and unbending integrity. He joined civil service after completing masters in Political Science from the University of Punjab. He attended a number of national as well as international training courses/workshops and has been to countries like China, UK, Switzerland, Philippines, Thailand and Japan. He has a varied service experience by virtue of serving at various key positions throughout the country. As Collector of Customs he served at Lahore, Sialkot, Quetta, and Faisalabad, and also served as Director Intelligence & Investigation at Karachi and Lahore. Before his current assignment, he served as Chief Collector (Enforcement) Karachi.
Pakistani Rupee History Currency in British India Much of the monetary history of Pakistan is shared with that of India, as Pakistan was part of India up until 1947. In 1825, British India adopted a silver standard system based on the Rupee and was used until the late 20th century. Although India was a colony of Britain, it never accepted the Sterling Pound. In 1866, financial establishments collapsed and control of paper money was shifted to the British government, with the presidency banks being dismantled a year later. That same year, the Victoria Portrait series of notes was issued in honor of Queen Victoria, and remained in use for approximately 50 years. The Pakistani Rupee Post-Independence When Pakistan became independent in 1947, Indian Rupees with a Pakistan stamp were used as a temporary currency. One year later, in1948, the Pakistani Rupee was introduced keeping its peg to the British Pound. In 1961, the Pakistani Rupee was decimalized, and the annas subunits were replaced with the paise. The Pakistani Rupee changed to a managed float regime in 1982.
We read every letter, fax, or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials outside OPA as appropriate. However, with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write to us.
You will be picked up at your hotel in Amritsar around 09:00 AM and transported to the Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) with your English-speaking tour guide. The Golden Temple is a prominent Sikh Gurdwara built by the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjan in the 16th Century. After Golden Temple, visit Jallianwala Bagh, a public garden that houses a memorial of national importance, established in 1951 to commemorate the massacre by British occupying forces.After Jallianwala Bagh explore Hall Bazar and other local bazaars. Later enjoy your Lunch at a local restaurant. After some relaxation around 3 PM drive to Wagah Border for the evening beating retreat ceremony. Wagah border post has become famous for the ceremonial closing of gates and lowering of flags of India and Pakistan. When the ceremony reaches a crescendo, the soldiers return to the border line for the final handshake and afterwards no glance is exchanged and the gates are close. Watch the ceremony from the VIP or foreigner gallery (Indian Passport holder Not eligible for VIP Entry, they have to sit in common gallery). When the ceremony ends, you will be taken back to your hotel in Amritsar.
Currency in British India Much of the monetary history of Pakistan is shared with that of India, as Pakistan was part of India up until 1947. In 1825, British India adopted a silver standard system based on the Rupee and was used until the late 20th century. Although India was a colony of Britain, it never accepted the Sterling Pound. In 1866, financial establishments collapsed and control of paper money was shifted to the British government, with the presidency banks being dismantled a year later. That same year, the Victoria Portrait series of notes was issued in honor of Queen Victoria, and remained in use for approximately 50 years. The Pakistani Rupee Post-Independence When Pakistan became independent in 1947, Indian Rupees with a Pakistan stamp were used as a temporary currency. One year later, in1948, the Pakistani Rupee was introduced keeping its peg to the British Pound. In 1961, the Pakistani Rupee was decimalized, and the annas subunits were replaced with the paise. The Pakistani Rupee changed to a managed float regime in 1982.
The United States and its partners continue to face a growing number of global threats and challenges. The CIA’s mission includes collecting and analyzing information about high priority national security issues such as international terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cyber attacks, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, regional conflicts, counterintelligence threats, and the effects of environmental and natural disasters.
Foreigners, in particular westerners, may be directly targeted. Densely populated unsecured areas, such as markets, shopping malls, restaurants and places where westerners and the Pakistani elite are known to congregate, are potential focal points for attacks. You should be extra vigilant at all times and minimize your exposure to areas that pose a higher risk.
Asia Noreen, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy in 2010, remained imprisoned in Sheikhupura. On 13 October, the Supreme Court was scheduled to hear her case in the ultimate stage of her appeal process but adjourned it indefinitely.
You guide will pick you up from your hotel in Amritsar at 9.00 am by a private car and drive to Golden Temple. Set amid a pool of holy water and visitors and devotees from all faiths are welcome. Your guide will show you a glimpse of the Sikh temple tradition of offering daily Guru-Ka-Langar, a free community meal that began in the 16th century. As you watch the community kitchen feed up with over 10,000 people, learn about the Sikh principle of equality and practice of eating together. At 11.00 am visit the Jallianwala Bagh located about a quarter mile from the Golden Temple. It is a memorial that commemorates the sacrifices of hundreds of men, women and children who were victims of ruthless firing during Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. You will learn more about India's history while enjoying the beautiful park. Afterwards we will visit Durgiana Temple, a partial replica of the Golden Temple. The Durgiana Temple is situated outside the Lohgarh Gate and dedicated to the Goddess Durga frequented by devout Hindus. At 12:30 noon you will have the opportunity to eat lunch at a local family's house where you will prepare one dish with the help of the host or an alternate venue for cozy lunch. Leave at 2.00 pm for Wagah Border (Indo-Pak Border). En-route brief stopover at Sarhad Resturant for a photo session for India Pak friendship. Wagah Border, The final frontier, around 28 km from Amritsar is the only border crossing between India and Pakistan. Watch from the Gallery, you will experience the Retreat Ceremony that takes place on the Indian Side of the Border. The changing of the guards and the ceremonial lowering of the flags ceremony is carried out with Great Spirit. We will leave around 5.30 pm and transfer you back to your hotel.

Decades of internal political disputes and low levels of foreign investment have led to slow growth and underdevelopment in Pakistan. Pakistan has a large English-speaking population. Nevertheless, a challenging security environment, electricity shortages, and a burdensome investment climate have deterred investors. Agriculture accounts for one-fifth of output and two-fifths of employment. Textiles and apparel account for most of Pakistan's export earnings, and Pakistan's failure to diversify its exports has left the country vulnerable to shifts in world demand. Pakistan’s GDP growth has gradually increased since 2012. Official unemployment was 6.1% in 2016, but this fails to capture the true picture, because much of the economy is informal and underemployment remains high. Human development continues to lag behind most of the region.

In August, the Supreme Court ruled for the first time on cases from these courts, upholding the verdicts and death sentences imposed on 16 civilians. The Court ruled that the appellants had not proved that the military violated their constitutional rights or failed to follow procedure. According to lawyers, the accused were denied access to legal counsel of their choice, and to military court records when preparing their appeals. Some of the accused were allegedly subjected to enforced disappearance, torture and other ill-treatment, and at least two were reportedly under 18 when arrested.

1 / 5 Caption This satellite image dramatically delineates the fertile and well-watered lower Indus Valley in Pakistan and the more arid areas to the east (Thar Desert in India) and west (Balochistan Plateau). Red dots indicate burning fires. Image courtesy of NASA. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 946X710122.3 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 2 / 5 Caption A centuries-old settlement that now ranks among the world's largest, Pakistan's seaport city of Karachi mixes intense urbanization with remnants of a natural environment. This true-color satellite image of Karachi shows the southwestern edges of the city.Two rivers, the Lyari and Malir, pass through Karachi en route to the Arabian Sea. The Lyari River passes north of the Port of Karachi, and expansive salt works, appearing as large geometric areas of green, line the northern edge of that river's delta. East of the port, the Malir River flows southward toward the sea. Between the port and the Arabian Sea, a barrier island runs northwest-southeast (left edge of the image). East of this island and west of the port sits a large expanse of water and mangroves. Water in the Lyari River Delta must empty into the sea through the Baba Channel. Sediment colors the water flowing through that channel a lighter color than the surrounding ocean. Immediately east of the Port of Karachi lie two more mangroves, the larger of which is named Chinna Creek.Many of Karachi's oldest structures and most popular tourist attractions appear in the city center just northeast of the port, but street grids cover almost all of the available land outside of the mangroves. Photo courtesy of NASA. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 720X480100.5 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 3 / 5 Caption This view shows K-2 Mountain (upper center) in Pakistan, the world's second highest peak, as seen from the International Space Station. The mountain (8,611 m; 28,251 ft high) is sometimes referred to as Savage Mountain, because of the difficulty of its ascent and the many lives lost in attempting its climb. Image courtesy of NASA. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 639X42376.6 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 4 / 5 Caption Deep purple and green hues in this false-color satellite image enhance the Waziristan Hills, a mountainous region of northwest Pakistan near the Afghanistan border. A formidable landscape, the Waziristan Hills are a hodgepodge of steep, rugged hills split by narrow passes and deep gorges. Rivers coursing down from the mountains provide water for agriculture in a region of scanty rainfall. Image courtesy of USGS. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 1392X1500663.2 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice 5 / 5 Caption The Hunza Valley in the Northern Areas is believed to have served as the inspiration for the novel Lost Horizons. DimensionsFile SizeDownload 1500X930172.0 KB Usage Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain and are copyright free. Agency Copyright Notice
A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. The male and female populations are broken down into 5-year age groups represented as horizontal bars along the vertical axis, with the youngest age groups at the bottom and the oldest at the top. The shape of the population pyramid gradually evolves over time based on fertility, mortality, and international migration trends.For additional information, please see the entry for Population pyramid on the Definitions and Notes page under the References tab.
Last night, a suicide attack on a shrine in Pakistan killed at least 88 people and injured a further 250 at last count. This comes just two days after a suicide bomber attacked a rally in Lahore, the cultural heart of Pakistan, and killed over a dozen people. Isis has claimed responsibility for the deaths, causing terror and distress across the country.
Population Pyramid A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. The male and female populations are broken down into 5-year age groups represented as horizontal bars along the vertical axis, with the youngest age groups at the bottom and the oldest at the top. The shape of the population pyramid gradually evolves over time based on fertility, mortality, and international migration trends.For additional information, please see the entry for Population pyramid on the Definitions and Notes page under the References tab.
Welcome to Pakistan Post Pakistan Post has a broad and varied role to play beyond provision of communication link for individuals and businesses. Keeping pace with the changing communications market, Pakistan Post is emphasizing in the use of new communication and information technologies to move beyond what is traditionally regarded as a its core postal business. Pakistan post is committed to make secure and timely delivery of mail, money and material at the doorsteps of the customers at affordable cost. Economic Cooperation Organization (Postal Staff College Islamabad Pakistan)
How to disable your ad blocker for Adblock / Adblock Plus Click the Adblock/Adblock Plus icon, which is to the right of your address bar. On Adblock click "Don't run on pages on this domain". On Adblock Plus click "Enabled on this site" to disable ad blocking for the current website you are on. If you are in Firefox click "disable on". Firefox Tracking Protection If you are Private Browsing in Firefox, "Tracking Protection" may cause the adblock notice to show. It can be temporarily disabled by clicking the "shield" icon in the address bar. Ghostery Click the Ghostery icon. In versions before 6.0 click "whitelist site". In version 6.0 click "trust site" or add to your Trusted Site list. In versions before 6.0 you will see the message "Site is whitelisted". Click "reload the page to see your changes". uBlock Click the uBlock icon. Then click the big power button to whitelist the current web site, and its state will be remembered next time you visit the web site. Then reload the page.
State and non-state actors continued to discriminate against religious minorities, both Muslim and non-Muslim, in law and practice. Blasphemy laws remained in force and several new cases were registered, mostly in Punjab. The laws violated the rights to freedom of expression, thought, conscience and religion. Minorities, particularly Ahmadis, Hazaras and Dalits, continued to face restricted access to employment, health care, education and other basic services.
A centuries-old settlement that now ranks among the world's largest, Pakistan's seaport city of Karachi mixes intense urbanization with remnants of a natural environment. This true-color satellite image of Karachi shows the southwestern edges of the city.Two rivers, the Lyari and Malir, pass through Karachi en route to the Arabian Sea. The Lyari River passes north of the Port of Karachi, and expansive salt works, appearing as large geometric areas of green, line the northern edge of that river's delta. East of the port, the Malir River flows southward toward the sea. Between the port and the Arabian Sea, a barrier island runs northwest-southeast (left edge of the image). East of this island and west of the port sits a large expanse of water and mangroves. Water in the Lyari River Delta must empty into the sea through the Baba Channel. Sediment colors the water flowing through that channel a lighter color than the surrounding ocean. Immediately east of the Port of Karachi lie two more mangroves, the larger of which is named Chinna Creek.Many of Karachi's oldest structures and most popular tourist attractions appear in the city center just northeast of the port, but street grids cover almost all of the available land outside of the mangroves. Photo courtesy of NASA.
Mr. Mohammad Zahid Khokhar is one of the most outstanding and illustrious officers of Pakistan Customs Service. He started his laudable service career on 22nd Oct. 1985 and has, so far, given more than 32 years of his life to Pakistan Customs Service. He belongs to the 13th batch of Common Training Program (CTP). He is widely known and praised for his higher caliber, tireless professionalism and unbending integrity. He joined civil service after completing masters in Political Science from the University of Punjab. He attended a number of national as well as international training courses/workshops and has been to countries like China, UK, Switzerland, Philippines, Thailand and Japan. He has a varied service experience by virtue of serving at various key positions throughout the country. As Collector of Customs he served at Lahore, Sialkot, Quetta, and Faisalabad, and also served as Director Intelligence & Investigation at Karachi and Lahore. Before his current assignment, he served as Chief Collector (Enforcement) Karachi.
Pakistani Rupee History Currency in British India Much of the monetary history of Pakistan is shared with that of India, as Pakistan was part of India up until 1947. In 1825, British India adopted a silver standard system based on the Rupee and was used until the late 20th century. Although India was a colony of Britain, it never accepted the Sterling Pound. In 1866, financial establishments collapsed and control of paper money was shifted to the British government, with the presidency banks being dismantled a year later. That same year, the Victoria Portrait series of notes was issued in honor of Queen Victoria, and remained in use for approximately 50 years. The Pakistani Rupee Post-Independence When Pakistan became independent in 1947, Indian Rupees with a Pakistan stamp were used as a temporary currency. One year later, in1948, the Pakistani Rupee was introduced keeping its peg to the British Pound. In 1961, the Pakistani Rupee was decimalized, and the annas subunits were replaced with the paise. The Pakistani Rupee changed to a managed float regime in 1982.
We read every letter, fax, or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials outside OPA as appropriate. However, with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write to us.
You will be picked up at your hotel in Amritsar around 09:00 AM and transported to the Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) with your English-speaking tour guide. The Golden Temple is a prominent Sikh Gurdwara built by the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjan in the 16th Century. After Golden Temple, visit Jallianwala Bagh, a public garden that houses a memorial of national importance, established in 1951 to commemorate the massacre by British occupying forces.After Jallianwala Bagh explore Hall Bazar and other local bazaars. Later enjoy your Lunch at a local restaurant. After some relaxation around 3 PM drive to Wagah Border for the evening beating retreat ceremony. Wagah border post has become famous for the ceremonial closing of gates and lowering of flags of India and Pakistan. When the ceremony reaches a crescendo, the soldiers return to the border line for the final handshake and afterwards no glance is exchanged and the gates are close. Watch the ceremony from the VIP or foreigner gallery (Indian Passport holder Not eligible for VIP Entry, they have to sit in common gallery). When the ceremony ends, you will be taken back to your hotel in Amritsar.
Currency in British India Much of the monetary history of Pakistan is shared with that of India, as Pakistan was part of India up until 1947. In 1825, British India adopted a silver standard system based on the Rupee and was used until the late 20th century. Although India was a colony of Britain, it never accepted the Sterling Pound. In 1866, financial establishments collapsed and control of paper money was shifted to the British government, with the presidency banks being dismantled a year later. That same year, the Victoria Portrait series of notes was issued in honor of Queen Victoria, and remained in use for approximately 50 years. The Pakistani Rupee Post-Independence When Pakistan became independent in 1947, Indian Rupees with a Pakistan stamp were used as a temporary currency. One year later, in1948, the Pakistani Rupee was introduced keeping its peg to the British Pound. In 1961, the Pakistani Rupee was decimalized, and the annas subunits were replaced with the paise. The Pakistani Rupee changed to a managed float regime in 1982.
The United States and its partners continue to face a growing number of global threats and challenges. The CIA’s mission includes collecting and analyzing information about high priority national security issues such as international terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cyber attacks, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, regional conflicts, counterintelligence threats, and the effects of environmental and natural disasters.
Foreigners, in particular westerners, may be directly targeted. Densely populated unsecured areas, such as markets, shopping malls, restaurants and places where westerners and the Pakistani elite are known to congregate, are potential focal points for attacks. You should be extra vigilant at all times and minimize your exposure to areas that pose a higher risk.
Asia Noreen, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy in 2010, remained imprisoned in Sheikhupura. On 13 October, the Supreme Court was scheduled to hear her case in the ultimate stage of her appeal process but adjourned it indefinitely.
You guide will pick you up from your hotel in Amritsar at 9.00 am by a private car and drive to Golden Temple. Set amid a pool of holy water and visitors and devotees from all faiths are welcome. Your guide will show you a glimpse of the Sikh temple tradition of offering daily Guru-Ka-Langar, a free community meal that began in the 16th century. As you watch the community kitchen feed up with over 10,000 people, learn about the Sikh principle of equality and practice of eating together. At 11.00 am visit the Jallianwala Bagh located about a quarter mile from the Golden Temple. It is a memorial that commemorates the sacrifices of hundreds of men, women and children who were victims of ruthless firing during Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. You will learn more about India's history while enjoying the beautiful park. Afterwards we will visit Durgiana Temple, a partial replica of the Golden Temple. The Durgiana Temple is situated outside the Lohgarh Gate and dedicated to the Goddess Durga frequented by devout Hindus. At 12:30 noon you will have the opportunity to eat lunch at a local family's house where you will prepare one dish with the help of the host or an alternate venue for cozy lunch. Leave at 2.00 pm for Wagah Border (Indo-Pak Border). En-route brief stopover at Sarhad Resturant for a photo session for India Pak friendship. Wagah Border, The final frontier, around 28 km from Amritsar is the only border crossing between India and Pakistan. Watch from the Gallery, you will experience the Retreat Ceremony that takes place on the Indian Side of the Border. The changing of the guards and the ceremonial lowering of the flags ceremony is carried out with Great Spirit. We will leave around 5.30 pm and transfer you back to your hotel.
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