These smooth, buttery fruits are a great source of not only MUFAs but other key nutrients as well. One Ohio State University study found that when avocado was added to salads and salsa, it helped increase the absorption of specific carotenoids, plant compounds linked to lower risk of heart disease and macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. "Avocados are packed with heart-protective compounds, such as soluble fiber, vitamin E, folate, and potassium," says Elizabeth Somer, RD, author of 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet. But they are a bit high in calories. To avoid weight gain, use avocado in place of another high-fat food or condiment, such as cheese or mayo. (Make the most of your avocado with these 29 delicious avocado recipes.)
Eating broccoli may help prevent osteoarthritis. A UK study found that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and Brussels sprouts, could help fight osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis.9
Like most orange vegetables, pumpkins are crammed with beta carotene, which your body naturally converts to vitamin A, also known as retinol. That’s a good thing, because retinol is important for healthy skin and mucous membranes, as well as immune function and vision. Pumpkin seeds also contain protective compounds called phytosterols, which may help combat an enlarged prostate. The seeds are great lightly salted and roasted, and pumpkin flesh is delicious in everything from pancakes to smoothies (and these 20 perfect pumpkin recipes prove it!).

Hunger and obesity are often flip sides of the same malnutrition coin. Both hunger and obesity can be symptoms of poverty. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel diseases, arthritis and a host of other degenerative conditions are rampant in communities experiencing food insecurity.

The Food for Health award is tiered, so depending on the changes made will depend on what award level is achieved. The tiers include Award, Silver and Gold.

High Cholesterol Foods that can help Almonds play a role in helping lower cholesterol. Properties in almond skins protect against LDL (the bad cholesterol) and can reduce the risk of heart disease. The fibre structure of almonds may also prevent weight gain. Try eating a handful of almonds each day. Avocados have also been shown to reduce the production of LDL - the bad cholesterol, and increase the good cholesterol in those that have slightly raised cholesterol. Avocados can also provide protection against breast cancer, heart disease and strokes and help aid digestion. Beans and lentils have been proven to lower levels of bad cholesterol dramatically when eaten as part of a low-fat diet. They are also packed with nutrients and preventative properties that help combat aging and diabetes. Try adding beans and lentils to salads, soups or casseroles. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
Sugar and our health From the age of 11 we should have no more than 30g of added sugars (about 7 sugar cubes) in our diet every day. Find out why. How to cut down on sugar in your diet Practical tips to help you reduce the amount of sugar you eat throughout the day. The Eatwell Guide To get the balance of your diet right, use the Eatwell Guide. It shows how much you should eat from each food group. Eight tips for healthy eating Start eating well with these eight tips for a healthy diet. Cut down on your calories Many of us are eating too much and not being active enough. Find out how to cut the calories. Understanding calories Calories mean energy, and the right energy balance is the key to a healthy weight. Water, drinks and your health Find out how much you need to drink and how to choose healthier soft drinks. How to get more fibre into your diet Most people need more fibre in their diet. Find out which foods are high in fibre. What does 100 calories look like? A visual guide to 100-calorie (420 kilojoules) portion sizes compared with everyday household objects. Tips for a lower-salt diet Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure. Follow these practical tips to reduce your salt intake. Fat: the facts Find out about the role fats play in a healthy diet, including saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Eat less saturated fat Too much saturated fat can cause weight gain, and raised cholesterol. Find out how you can cut down. Food labelling terms A guide to some of the most common food labelling terms, including use by, best before, low fat and no added sugar. Eating processed foods Information about different kinds of processed foods, and which to eat as part of a healthy balanced diet. Healthy eating for teens If you're a teenager, find out why healthy eating is so important. Get healthy diet tips and advice on fad diets, weight worries and iron deficiency. Healthy breakfast cereals We sort the shredded wheat from the chaff to help you choose healthier breakfast cereals. Food and drinks for sport Find out how a healthy diet can support your exercise regime. The truth about sweeteners Find out the evidence on the safety of some of the most common sweeteners available in the UK. Milk and dairy in your diet Milk and dairy foods provide protein and calcium. Make a healthy choice by opting for lower-fat varieties. Fish and shellfish Most of us should eat more fish, especially oily fish. Find out why. The healthy way to eat eggs Eggs are a good source of protein, but it's important to store, handle and prepare them properly. Beans and pulses in your diet Pulses are a great source of protein. Find out how to cook and store them. Meat in your diet Meat is a good source of protein. Find out how to make healthy choices, and how to store, prepare and cook meat. Starchy foods and carbohydrates Starchy foods are our main source of carbohydrate and play an important role in a healthy diet. Vitamins, minerals and supplements How to get all the nutrients you need, and safety advice about supplements. Healthy food swaps Stop eating high-calorie foods and swap them for a healthy, balanced alternative. Healthy eating out Make healthier choices when you eat out at restaurants and cafes or grab lunch on the go. Healthier takeaways You don't have to give up takeaways completely, as long as you make the right menu choices. What are superfoods? We examine the evidence behind the health claims about 10 popular "superfoods". 5 A Day on a budget A diet full of fruit and vegetables doesn't have to be expensive. Here's how to get your 5 A Day and save some money. Healthier lunchboxes Make sure your child's lunchbox provides a healthy, nutritionally balanced lunch. What is a Mediterranean diet? Find out what foods make up a typical Mediterranean diet and how it can benefit your health. Healthy recipes Healthy recipe ideas for meals low in fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt but high in taste.
Close Over Weight Foods that can help Nuts are packed with mono-saturated fatty acids (the good fats) proven to help control your appetite. A high-protein snack such as almonds can increase the number of calories you burn for over 3 hours. One ounce of almonds – high in vitamin E can also improve your memory. Eggs have been proven to support weight loss. Research proved eating 2 eggs (high in protein and nutrients) for breakfast 5 days a week can boost energy levels, increase body weight and improve muscle strength. Egg protein also keeps hunger at bay for longer. Whole grains are well known superfoods for loosing weight. The body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods that are high in fibre such as brown rice or sweetcorn than processed foods. Whole grains also help control energy levels and decrease sugar cravings. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
If yes, then complete the application form, online assessment (guidance to help complete the self assessment) and email it to or post it to
Tuna is very popular in Western countries, and tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is perfect people who need to add more protein to their diets, while keeping calories low.
Designed by physicians, nutrition experts, and registered dietitians, each of our curricula includes information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote health and fight disease. The classes work to translate complex scientific nutrition information into simple and easy meals. Each Food for Life nutrition and cooking class features a nutrition lecture and live cooking demonstration all within a supportive group setting.
Shrimp is a type of animal found in the sea. It tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is also loaded with various other nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12.
Rice is one of the oldest cereal grains, and is currently a staple food for more than half of people in the world. Brown (whole grain) rice is fairly nutritious, with a decent amount of fiber, vitamin B1 and magnesium.
The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, and perfect as snacks if you find yourself hungry between meals.
Beyond carrots You've probably heard that carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision, and it's true: Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly. But eating your way to good eyesight isn't only about beta-carotene. Though their connection to vision isn't as well-known, several other vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy eyes. Make these five foods a staple of your diet to keep your peepers in tip-top shape. 1 of 7
For many it's not sugar so much as salty, savoury foods they crave in the afternoon. If this sounds like you forget the crisps and opt instead for spiced nuts, seeds and savoury popcorn or enjoy low-fat cream cheese on crackers.
Soy’s days as a cure-all may be over, but edamame still has an important place on your plate. Foods such as tofu, soy milk, and edamame help fight heart disease when they replace fatty meats and cheeses, slashing saturated fat intake. Soy also contains heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats, a good amount of fiber, and some important vitamins. Soy’s isoflavones, or plant estrogens, may also help prevent breast cancer. Some researchers believe these bind with estrogen receptors, reducing your exposure to the more powerful effects of your own estrogen, says Prevention advisor Andrew Weil, MD. But stick with whole soy foods rather than processed foods, like patties or chips, made with soy powder. Don’t take soy supplements, which contain high and possibly dangerous amounts of isoflavones.
Citrus fruits get all the credit for vitamin C, but red peppers are actually the best source. Vitamin C may be best known for skin and immunity benefits. Researchers in the United Kingdom looked at vitamin C intake in 4,025 women and found that those who ate more had less wrinkling and dryness. And although getting enough vitamin C won’t prevent you from catching a cold or flu, studies show that it could help you recover faster. Vitamin C has other important credentials, too. Finnish researchers found that men with low levels were 2.4 times likelier to have a stroke, and Australian scientists recently discovered that the antioxidant reduces knee pain by protecting your knees against arthritis.
Pick any life-threatening disease—cancer, heart disease, you name it—and eating more broccoli and its cruciferous cousins may help you beat it, Johns Hopkins research suggests. Averaging just four weekly servings of veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower slashed the risk of dying from any disease by 26% among 6,100 people studied for 28 years. For maximum disease-fighting benefits, whip out your old veggie steamer. It turns out that steaming broccoli lightly releases the maximum amount of sulforaphane.
As vegetables go, leafy greens—especially the dark-green kind—tend to top health experts' lists. And, along with spinach, kale is at the top of the dark-and-leafy-green heap. Bursting with vitamins A, K, and C, kale is also a great source of calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Whether you toss it into soups, smoothies, or salads, gobble as much of this stuff as you can every day.
One of the healthiest fruits you should be eating is one you probably already are: the apple. The Iowa Women’s Health Study, which has been investigating the health habits of 34,000 women for nearly 20 years, named apples as one of only three foods (along with pears and red wine) that are most effective at reducing the risk of death from heart disease among postmenopausal women. Other massive studies have found the fruit to lower risk of lung cancer and type 2 diabetes—and even help women lose weight. In fact, one of the only things that could make an apple unhealthy is mixing it with sugar, flour, and butter and stuffing it into a mile-high pie. Instead, have one as an afternoon snack with a tablespoon of peanut butter, or add slices to sandwiches or salads.
Stress Foods that can help Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D as they’re rich in selenium, proven to help improve your mood and boost your energy levels. Studies show that if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder then mushrooms with their high vitamin D content can really lift your mood. Dark chocolate has been proven to help reduce stress. Research found that eating 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate a day for two weeks helped highly stressed volunteers really lower their stress levels. The magnesium content can also help treat depression, menstrual cramps and irritability. Green Tea has also been proven to beat stress in a Japanese study. Levels of stress were 20% lower in volunteers who drank more than 5 cups of green tea per day compared to volunteers who drank less than one cup per day. Green tea can also help protect the skin and aid weight loss. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
When you think of potassium-rich produce, figs probably don’t come to mind, but you may be surprised to learn that six fresh figs have 891 mg of the blood pressure-lowering mineral, nearly 20% of your daily need—and about double what you’d find in one large banana. In a recent 5-year study from the Netherlands, high-potassium diets were linked with lower rates of death from all causes in healthy adults age 55 and older. Figs are one of the best fruit sources of calcium, with nearly as much per serving (six figs) as 1/2 cup of fat-free milk. Serve by chopping and adding to yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal, or green salads. Or enjoy them as a savory snack: Cut a slit in the side and stuff with 1/2 teaspoon of a low-fat version of a soft cheese such as chevre or Brie.
Yogurt is a great way to get calcium, and it’s also rich in immune-boosting bacteria. But next time you hit the yogurt aisle, pick up the Greek kind—compared with regular yogurt, it has twice the protein (and 25% of women over 40 don’t get enough). Look for fat-free varieties like Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt (90 calories and 15 g of protein per 5.3-ounce serving).
About BBC Good FoodWe’re all about good recipes, and about quality home cooking that everyone can enjoy. Whether you’re looking for some healthy inspiration or learning how to cook a decadent dessert, we’ve trustworthy guidance for all your foodie needs.
Play Prev Next Food for Health International is redefining the contract manufacturing of raw ingredients and finished goods. With Protective Processing and Targeted Microbial Killsteps, we keep nature’s pure nutrients alive. We suspend complete nutrition at full potency, maintaining the taste, aroma, and color only nature can create. Food for Health provides total customer satisfaction. From product concept to distribution, we offer full turnkey manufacturing solutions, or a myriad of services in between. We easily tailor our services to meet your company’s specific needs. With pure, living ingredients and manufacturing expertise, Food for Health can accelerate your product’s speed to market, reduce cost of goods, and keep your business; let us help you capture market share and increase your bottom line with ingredients and products that perform as nature intended. Activz Coconut Water Powder Featured on National TV with Montel WilliamsActivz Coconut Water Powder, a whole-food powder made from the nutrient-rich water of young, organic coconuts from Thailand, received excellent reviews when featured on national TV this week. Montel W Read more » “I have been taking your product for over a year now. I have never felt better nor have I ever had such high energy levels. I am experiencing “natural” long-lasting energy–not the artificial short-term energy that I have experienced from other vitamin supplement products. The ACTIVZ product is a boon to the vitamin supplement industry!” –Louis Gosset, Jr. Academy Award Winner
Close Incontinence Foods that can help Magnesium is believed to be beneficial to incontinence sufferers. Some doctors believe magnesium reduces incontinence by decreasing bladder muscle spasms allowing the bladder to empty fully. It can also assist with healthy bone formation. Try eating magnesium-rich foods like potatoes or bananas. Water actually plays a crucial role in managing incontinence. Staying hydrated can prevent constipation that can aggravate the bladder and encourage incontinence. Water also regulates body temperature, flushes out toxins and prevents kidney stones. Eggs, fortified milk and fish all contain vitamin D that can reduce the risk of incontinence. Research suggests women older than 20 with a healthy vitamin D level are at a lower risk of becoming incontinent. Eating two eggs for breakfast everyday can also help you lose weight. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
Close Under Weight Foods that can help Peanut butter is high in calories and but also contains omega 3 fats so is ideal to eat for healthy weight gain. Look for natural peanut butter as it contains healthier oils. Eat with whole wheat bread. Peanut butter also contains a property called resveratrol that is good for your heart. Fatty meat such as the fatty cuts of bacon, pork and chicken are ideal for weight gain. The animal fat contains higher levels of protein for weight gain and helps the body build more muscle. Eating fatty beef cuts can also boost iron consumption and increase energy levels. Sweet potato is a great provider of carbohydrate and has more calories than other vegetables. It’s also high in vitamins, fibre and antioxidants and is a great source of energy for building muscle. Purple sweet potato has also been linked to the prevention of cancer. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
Eating broccoli may help prevent osteoarthritis. A UK study found that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and Brussels sprouts, could help fight osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis.9
Like most orange vegetables, pumpkins are crammed with beta carotene, which your body naturally converts to vitamin A, also known as retinol. That’s a good thing, because retinol is important for healthy skin and mucous membranes, as well as immune function and vision. Pumpkin seeds also contain protective compounds called phytosterols, which may help combat an enlarged prostate. The seeds are great lightly salted and roasted, and pumpkin flesh is delicious in everything from pancakes to smoothies (and these 20 perfect pumpkin recipes prove it!).

Hunger and obesity are often flip sides of the same malnutrition coin. Both hunger and obesity can be symptoms of poverty. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel diseases, arthritis and a host of other degenerative conditions are rampant in communities experiencing food insecurity.
The Food for Health award is tiered, so depending on the changes made will depend on what award level is achieved. The tiers include Award, Silver and Gold.

High Cholesterol Foods that can help Almonds play a role in helping lower cholesterol. Properties in almond skins protect against LDL (the bad cholesterol) and can reduce the risk of heart disease. The fibre structure of almonds may also prevent weight gain. Try eating a handful of almonds each day. Avocados have also been shown to reduce the production of LDL - the bad cholesterol, and increase the good cholesterol in those that have slightly raised cholesterol. Avocados can also provide protection against breast cancer, heart disease and strokes and help aid digestion. Beans and lentils have been proven to lower levels of bad cholesterol dramatically when eaten as part of a low-fat diet. They are also packed with nutrients and preventative properties that help combat aging and diabetes. Try adding beans and lentils to salads, soups or casseroles. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
Sugar and our health From the age of 11 we should have no more than 30g of added sugars (about 7 sugar cubes) in our diet every day. Find out why. How to cut down on sugar in your diet Practical tips to help you reduce the amount of sugar you eat throughout the day. The Eatwell Guide To get the balance of your diet right, use the Eatwell Guide. It shows how much you should eat from each food group. Eight tips for healthy eating Start eating well with these eight tips for a healthy diet. Cut down on your calories Many of us are eating too much and not being active enough. Find out how to cut the calories. Understanding calories Calories mean energy, and the right energy balance is the key to a healthy weight. Water, drinks and your health Find out how much you need to drink and how to choose healthier soft drinks. How to get more fibre into your diet Most people need more fibre in their diet. Find out which foods are high in fibre. What does 100 calories look like? A visual guide to 100-calorie (420 kilojoules) portion sizes compared with everyday household objects. Tips for a lower-salt diet Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure. Follow these practical tips to reduce your salt intake. Fat: the facts Find out about the role fats play in a healthy diet, including saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Eat less saturated fat Too much saturated fat can cause weight gain, and raised cholesterol. Find out how you can cut down. Food labelling terms A guide to some of the most common food labelling terms, including use by, best before, low fat and no added sugar. Eating processed foods Information about different kinds of processed foods, and which to eat as part of a healthy balanced diet. Healthy eating for teens If you're a teenager, find out why healthy eating is so important. Get healthy diet tips and advice on fad diets, weight worries and iron deficiency. Healthy breakfast cereals We sort the shredded wheat from the chaff to help you choose healthier breakfast cereals. Food and drinks for sport Find out how a healthy diet can support your exercise regime. The truth about sweeteners Find out the evidence on the safety of some of the most common sweeteners available in the UK. Milk and dairy in your diet Milk and dairy foods provide protein and calcium. Make a healthy choice by opting for lower-fat varieties. Fish and shellfish Most of us should eat more fish, especially oily fish. Find out why. The healthy way to eat eggs Eggs are a good source of protein, but it's important to store, handle and prepare them properly. Beans and pulses in your diet Pulses are a great source of protein. Find out how to cook and store them. Meat in your diet Meat is a good source of protein. Find out how to make healthy choices, and how to store, prepare and cook meat. Starchy foods and carbohydrates Starchy foods are our main source of carbohydrate and play an important role in a healthy diet. Vitamins, minerals and supplements How to get all the nutrients you need, and safety advice about supplements. Healthy food swaps Stop eating high-calorie foods and swap them for a healthy, balanced alternative. Healthy eating out Make healthier choices when you eat out at restaurants and cafes or grab lunch on the go. Healthier takeaways You don't have to give up takeaways completely, as long as you make the right menu choices. What are superfoods? We examine the evidence behind the health claims about 10 popular "superfoods". 5 A Day on a budget A diet full of fruit and vegetables doesn't have to be expensive. Here's how to get your 5 A Day and save some money. Healthier lunchboxes Make sure your child's lunchbox provides a healthy, nutritionally balanced lunch. What is a Mediterranean diet? Find out what foods make up a typical Mediterranean diet and how it can benefit your health. Healthy recipes Healthy recipe ideas for meals low in fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt but high in taste.
Close Over Weight Foods that can help Nuts are packed with mono-saturated fatty acids (the good fats) proven to help control your appetite. A high-protein snack such as almonds can increase the number of calories you burn for over 3 hours. One ounce of almonds – high in vitamin E can also improve your memory. Eggs have been proven to support weight loss. Research proved eating 2 eggs (high in protein and nutrients) for breakfast 5 days a week can boost energy levels, increase body weight and improve muscle strength. Egg protein also keeps hunger at bay for longer. Whole grains are well known superfoods for loosing weight. The body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods that are high in fibre such as brown rice or sweetcorn than processed foods. Whole grains also help control energy levels and decrease sugar cravings. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
If yes, then complete the application form, online assessment (guidance to help complete the self assessment) and email it to or post it to
Tuna is very popular in Western countries, and tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is perfect people who need to add more protein to their diets, while keeping calories low.
Designed by physicians, nutrition experts, and registered dietitians, each of our curricula includes information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote health and fight disease. The classes work to translate complex scientific nutrition information into simple and easy meals. Each Food for Life nutrition and cooking class features a nutrition lecture and live cooking demonstration all within a supportive group setting.
Shrimp is a type of animal found in the sea. It tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is also loaded with various other nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12.
Rice is one of the oldest cereal grains, and is currently a staple food for more than half of people in the world. Brown (whole grain) rice is fairly nutritious, with a decent amount of fiber, vitamin B1 and magnesium.
The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, and perfect as snacks if you find yourself hungry between meals.
Beyond carrots You've probably heard that carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision, and it's true: Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly. But eating your way to good eyesight isn't only about beta-carotene. Though their connection to vision isn't as well-known, several other vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy eyes. Make these five foods a staple of your diet to keep your peepers in tip-top shape. 1 of 7
For many it's not sugar so much as salty, savoury foods they crave in the afternoon. If this sounds like you forget the crisps and opt instead for spiced nuts, seeds and savoury popcorn or enjoy low-fat cream cheese on crackers.
Soy’s days as a cure-all may be over, but edamame still has an important place on your plate. Foods such as tofu, soy milk, and edamame help fight heart disease when they replace fatty meats and cheeses, slashing saturated fat intake. Soy also contains heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats, a good amount of fiber, and some important vitamins. Soy’s isoflavones, or plant estrogens, may also help prevent breast cancer. Some researchers believe these bind with estrogen receptors, reducing your exposure to the more powerful effects of your own estrogen, says Prevention advisor Andrew Weil, MD. But stick with whole soy foods rather than processed foods, like patties or chips, made with soy powder. Don’t take soy supplements, which contain high and possibly dangerous amounts of isoflavones.
Citrus fruits get all the credit for vitamin C, but red peppers are actually the best source. Vitamin C may be best known for skin and immunity benefits. Researchers in the United Kingdom looked at vitamin C intake in 4,025 women and found that those who ate more had less wrinkling and dryness. And although getting enough vitamin C won’t prevent you from catching a cold or flu, studies show that it could help you recover faster. Vitamin C has other important credentials, too. Finnish researchers found that men with low levels were 2.4 times likelier to have a stroke, and Australian scientists recently discovered that the antioxidant reduces knee pain by protecting your knees against arthritis.
Pick any life-threatening disease—cancer, heart disease, you name it—and eating more broccoli and its cruciferous cousins may help you beat it, Johns Hopkins research suggests. Averaging just four weekly servings of veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower slashed the risk of dying from any disease by 26% among 6,100 people studied for 28 years. For maximum disease-fighting benefits, whip out your old veggie steamer. It turns out that steaming broccoli lightly releases the maximum amount of sulforaphane.
As vegetables go, leafy greens—especially the dark-green kind—tend to top health experts' lists. And, along with spinach, kale is at the top of the dark-and-leafy-green heap. Bursting with vitamins A, K, and C, kale is also a great source of calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Whether you toss it into soups, smoothies, or salads, gobble as much of this stuff as you can every day.
One of the healthiest fruits you should be eating is one you probably already are: the apple. The Iowa Women’s Health Study, which has been investigating the health habits of 34,000 women for nearly 20 years, named apples as one of only three foods (along with pears and red wine) that are most effective at reducing the risk of death from heart disease among postmenopausal women. Other massive studies have found the fruit to lower risk of lung cancer and type 2 diabetes—and even help women lose weight. In fact, one of the only things that could make an apple unhealthy is mixing it with sugar, flour, and butter and stuffing it into a mile-high pie. Instead, have one as an afternoon snack with a tablespoon of peanut butter, or add slices to sandwiches or salads.
Stress Foods that can help Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D as they’re rich in selenium, proven to help improve your mood and boost your energy levels. Studies show that if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder then mushrooms with their high vitamin D content can really lift your mood. Dark chocolate has been proven to help reduce stress. Research found that eating 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate a day for two weeks helped highly stressed volunteers really lower their stress levels. The magnesium content can also help treat depression, menstrual cramps and irritability. Green Tea has also been proven to beat stress in a Japanese study. Levels of stress were 20% lower in volunteers who drank more than 5 cups of green tea per day compared to volunteers who drank less than one cup per day. Green tea can also help protect the skin and aid weight loss. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
When you think of potassium-rich produce, figs probably don’t come to mind, but you may be surprised to learn that six fresh figs have 891 mg of the blood pressure-lowering mineral, nearly 20% of your daily need—and about double what you’d find in one large banana. In a recent 5-year study from the Netherlands, high-potassium diets were linked with lower rates of death from all causes in healthy adults age 55 and older. Figs are one of the best fruit sources of calcium, with nearly as much per serving (six figs) as 1/2 cup of fat-free milk. Serve by chopping and adding to yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal, or green salads. Or enjoy them as a savory snack: Cut a slit in the side and stuff with 1/2 teaspoon of a low-fat version of a soft cheese such as chevre or Brie.
Yogurt is a great way to get calcium, and it’s also rich in immune-boosting bacteria. But next time you hit the yogurt aisle, pick up the Greek kind—compared with regular yogurt, it has twice the protein (and 25% of women over 40 don’t get enough). Look for fat-free varieties like Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt (90 calories and 15 g of protein per 5.3-ounce serving).
About BBC Good FoodWe’re all about good recipes, and about quality home cooking that everyone can enjoy. Whether you’re looking for some healthy inspiration or learning how to cook a decadent dessert, we’ve trustworthy guidance for all your foodie needs.
Play Prev Next Food for Health International is redefining the contract manufacturing of raw ingredients and finished goods. With Protective Processing and Targeted Microbial Killsteps, we keep nature’s pure nutrients alive. We suspend complete nutrition at full potency, maintaining the taste, aroma, and color only nature can create. Food for Health provides total customer satisfaction. From product concept to distribution, we offer full turnkey manufacturing solutions, or a myriad of services in between. We easily tailor our services to meet your company’s specific needs. With pure, living ingredients and manufacturing expertise, Food for Health can accelerate your product’s speed to market, reduce cost of goods, and keep your business; let us help you capture market share and increase your bottom line with ingredients and products that perform as nature intended. Activz Coconut Water Powder Featured on National TV with Montel WilliamsActivz Coconut Water Powder, a whole-food powder made from the nutrient-rich water of young, organic coconuts from Thailand, received excellent reviews when featured on national TV this week. Montel W Read more » “I have been taking your product for over a year now. I have never felt better nor have I ever had such high energy levels. I am experiencing “natural” long-lasting energy–not the artificial short-term energy that I have experienced from other vitamin supplement products. The ACTIVZ product is a boon to the vitamin supplement industry!” –Louis Gosset, Jr. Academy Award Winner
Close Incontinence Foods that can help Magnesium is believed to be beneficial to incontinence sufferers. Some doctors believe magnesium reduces incontinence by decreasing bladder muscle spasms allowing the bladder to empty fully. It can also assist with healthy bone formation. Try eating magnesium-rich foods like potatoes or bananas. Water actually plays a crucial role in managing incontinence. Staying hydrated can prevent constipation that can aggravate the bladder and encourage incontinence. Water also regulates body temperature, flushes out toxins and prevents kidney stones. Eggs, fortified milk and fish all contain vitamin D that can reduce the risk of incontinence. Research suggests women older than 20 with a healthy vitamin D level are at a lower risk of becoming incontinent. Eating two eggs for breakfast everyday can also help you lose weight. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
Close Under Weight Foods that can help Peanut butter is high in calories and but also contains omega 3 fats so is ideal to eat for healthy weight gain. Look for natural peanut butter as it contains healthier oils. Eat with whole wheat bread. Peanut butter also contains a property called resveratrol that is good for your heart. Fatty meat such as the fatty cuts of bacon, pork and chicken are ideal for weight gain. The animal fat contains higher levels of protein for weight gain and helps the body build more muscle. Eating fatty beef cuts can also boost iron consumption and increase energy levels. Sweet potato is a great provider of carbohydrate and has more calories than other vegetables. It’s also high in vitamins, fibre and antioxidants and is a great source of energy for building muscle. Purple sweet potato has also been linked to the prevention of cancer. Help a friend, share the remedy share tweet
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