Yummie, will implement this ASAP on my new niche site. Probably it will convert well also. By the way, where do you come up with such names “The Moving Man Method”, it’s catchy, but lol
Thanks for mentioning two great resources – Slashdot and Mixx. Frankly, I was unaware of both of them. When I checked them out, I found they offer a wealth of information. Great finds! I appreciate your recommendations to them.

Make use of groups to promote your blog. Groups include like-minded people who will appreciate the content of your blog. By adding your posts to the group, you can build backlinks and drive traffic. Use the groups on Google+, LinkedIn or Facebook.

The email template below was introduced to Backlinko’s founder by Peep Laja of ConversionXL.com. It may be brief, but it helped Laja to grow his blog to 100,000 visitors in less than 12 months:
Matija October 7, 2015 at 10:20 am / Reply Hi there, this is Matija from Slovenia. Let me first thank you for excellent post. Your sentence building links with patience is simply the best. I have been on backlinks building process here on small Slovenian market for years now. And must say your tip to have patience is the most valuable advise ever. I used to have no patience, bought many links through Fiverr, creating PBN’s, stuffing my sites into bookmarking lists and so on and so on. Until I realized it’s actually easier if one settles down and actually start contributing to the net. And this can be simply done by adding relevant comments to blog posts and adding useful guest posts on other sites. It’s better to give one relevant comment (and get accepted) that stuffing one hundred url’s into bookmarking site. It works. It is true that all comments are not accepted everwhere. But I think it is right thing that author doesn’t accept comment, if it is of no value to his audience. Afterall, the author creates initial content and, we, commenters, only want to get benefit out of it. At least, let’s contribute something back. Regards, Matija, Slovenia
If you get a link to your ‘money page’ from a new post on someone else’s blog, that website link may not add much value to your site ranking. Most of the time, direct backlinks to your site can take a while to have an effect. But, when you strengthen those backlinks, you will see a bump in organic traffic and rankings.

Quora is filled with people looking for help. All you have to do is search for keywords related to your industry, and you’ll see hundreds, if not thousands, of questions.
Hi there, this is Matija from Slovenia. Let me first thank you for excellent post. Your sentence building links with patience is simply the best. I have been on backlinks building process here on small Slovenian market for years now. And must say your tip to have patience is the most valuable advise ever. I used to have no patience, bought many links through Fiverr, creating PBN’s, stuffing my sites into bookmarking lists and so on and so on. Until I realized it’s actually easier if one settles down and actually start contributing to the net. And this can be simply done by adding relevant comments to blog posts and adding useful guest posts on other sites. It’s better to give one relevant comment (and get accepted) that stuffing one hundred url’s into bookmarking site. It works. It is true that all comments are not accepted everwhere. But I think it is right thing that author doesn’t accept comment, if it is of no value to his audience. Afterall, the author creates initial content and, we, commenters, only want to get benefit out of it. At least, let’s contribute something back. Regards, Matija, Slovenia
Using backlinks as ranking factor helps Google delivering high quality results. Matt Cutts, Google’s SEO face officially confirmed, excluding backlink relevancy resulted in “much worse” search quality.
Yes, Really to create backlinks manually is too hard, Quora is one of the best way to get link naturally. Bookmarking is also a great way to get some links back.
This is very useful information about back links. I think, this is the best way to explain this topic because some bloggers are confused with this concept that how to generate back links. Most of blogger suffer from weak back linking, these techniques are really useful for them. Is the forum posting is also a good technique for generating traffic?
Eric Siu is the CEO of digital marketing agency Single Grain, which has helped venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies grow their revenues. He's also the founder of the marketing podcast, Growth Everywhere.
Thanks Kaiser, especially for the Alexa tip. Probably best to spread these links out over a period of 2-3 months to avoid Googler getting too suspicious. By the way, it seems that mylinkvault.com is brojen – it just wont let me add a new link. Regards, Paul Reply
Nice stategy, it’s work for me. Bye the way, i’ve question about list number 28. “Convert your blog posts to pdf and submit it to document sharing sites” How about duplicate content?
Can you believe 2017 is here already? Last year went fast, right? Like some of the previous years, niche marketing went through a number of developments in 2016. More Google search algorithm changes again. Increased focus on content. And the ever changing SEO techniques. These are just some of the things that kept niche marketers busy and guessing
When I was growing up, my mom loved to remind me how important it was to learn from other people’s mistakes. If my best friend got time-out a recess for drawing during math class, that I was a lesson I could learn without having to make the same mistake myself. If a teenager in our
I know you are busy, so no need to reply. But if you get a spare moment, check out the post. If you like it, feel free to tweet it out.
Asad Ali October 14, 2015 at 4:37 am / Reply Great tutorial! I agree that people don’t usually share their million-dollars secret with others. SEO is more of an art than science. And at the current time 90% of SEO is all about backlinks. I’ve tried to build some high authority backlinks by commenting but it rarely works, especially for niches other than internet markeeting. there are too many websites an SEO niche can comment and get backlinks but this isn’t true for other niches. Guest posting works for all. I am gonna try it.
Richard Bayston creates copy and content at RBCopywriting.com, mostly about tech, digital marketing and content strategy. When he’s not doing that, he’s arguing amicably with his wife and Googling the answers.
Content is undoubtedly king, and in the current digital marketing climate, unique and value-centered content is perhaps the best tool for anyone doing SEO. If you are both putting forth solid content that drives value for the user and you are including relevant and well-aged backlinks throughout your content, you're on the right track.
Hey Neil, Thanks for another great blog post. You always seem to read my mind!! The Quora tactic is a great tip, something I’ll definitely try out in the next few weeks. Keep the great content rolling. Cheers, Will
Daniel, I really appreciate your comment about using IFTTT along with a back link checker. Would you mind providing the specific steps to make this work, including a back link checker you use (would love to use a free one), how you set up the RSS2feed, and set up the recipe to come to an email address? I’d really like to try this, but haven’t used IFTTT before. I’ve been looking at IFTTT, but I can’t figure out how to set up a recipe that will email you whenever backlinks are coming to my competitors’ sites. Thank you.
Tips Anchor text (this is the text that is clickable) should be as descriptive as possible which include your targeted keywords. Avoid "click here" type language at all costs. Social Bookmarking websites are great way to get backlinks, the top page ranked social bookmarking websites that set your backlinks as a Do Follow backlinks are the ones that you should use to build your backlinks. Themed forums can be found by searching for your desired keyword then adding "forum" to the end. (ex "construction forum" for instance) If you don't have any niche directories to submit to and cannot find a forum that is themed towards your niche, you can still take advantage of unique content by submitting to a directory that lets you edit the contents of the page. By writing themed content that surrounds your link, search engines better understand what your site is about. Try submitting to niche directories first as your best links will come from sites that are themed with the same content yours is. Write original content for your descriptions and titles. By doing this you will avoid any duplicate content penalty that might get enforced in the future.
Yogesh July 21, 2015 at 11:52 am / Reply Hi, I was looking for something like and this and after a lot of searches I found your article. It was very helpful and very enjoyable to read. Creating Backlinks is a crucial task and no one likes to sit and write for others or comment on other blogs just to get a backlink but as we know that to rank above you need a lot of backlinks. I will surely try Guest Posting method very soon. It may result in a good way (I hope )
33 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas To Grow Your Email List Fast Money is in the list – I know you’ve heard this a million times. But it’s true! You can’t build a successful niche website, or any sustainable online business for that matter, without a thriving email list. And I’m not saying this without proof. It’s hard to get your website visitors paying for anything online Filed in Email Marketing, Ultimate Guides & Resources by Jawad Khan on March 29, 2017 • 12 Comments
All links are not created equally. And there are 3 things we need to focus on when evaluating links, PR, Page Content & Anchor Text. The best links come from a combination of the 3.
If it’s informative, your attendees will absolutely share it. One easy way to do this is to turn your PowerPoint presentation slides into a SlideShare presentation, and then embed that presentation into a blog post. You can also embed it into the webinar's landing page so that anyone looking to sign up for a webinar that's already over can check out the presentation.
Also, consider classic PR moves like press releases. Bloggers and journalists hoover up information, so if anything has happened – you have a new integration, client, product, feature – make it easy to find. Then you’re likely to be linked to in any article that covers the subject.
Don’t expect people to link back to your website. Some people will do it naturally, but that number will be less than 5%. Roughly 20%-25% of the people you email will tweet out your post. This action will bring more visitors to your website, and a portion of those visitors may end up linking back to you.
Neil, this is a fantastic post. I like the idea to track competitors link. Though it is involving and challenging work, the end result is fulfilling. Thanks man.
74. Do very costly jokes on your blog but indicate it is a joke underneath the post (tricky? ahah!), e.g., “Apple has bought Google for $260Billion”, something like this will get tons of links and retweets before people even know that it is a joke.
Step 2: Reach out to the blog’s owner and build a relationship. You can sign up to any newsletters they offer, follow them on social media, leave comments on their blog posts… don’t just be a business trying to promote yourself. In general, the more you give, the more you will get back.
Thanks for mentioning two great resources – Slashdot and Mixx. Frankly, I was unaware of both of them. When I checked them out, I found they offer a wealth of information. Great finds! I appreciate your recommendations to them.
Make use of groups to promote your blog. Groups include like-minded people who will appreciate the content of your blog. By adding your posts to the group, you can build backlinks and drive traffic. Use the groups on Google+, LinkedIn or Facebook.
The email template below was introduced to Backlinko’s founder by Peep Laja of ConversionXL.com. It may be brief, but it helped Laja to grow his blog to 100,000 visitors in less than 12 months:
Matija October 7, 2015 at 10:20 am / Reply Hi there, this is Matija from Slovenia. Let me first thank you for excellent post. Your sentence building links with patience is simply the best. I have been on backlinks building process here on small Slovenian market for years now. And must say your tip to have patience is the most valuable advise ever. I used to have no patience, bought many links through Fiverr, creating PBN’s, stuffing my sites into bookmarking lists and so on and so on. Until I realized it’s actually easier if one settles down and actually start contributing to the net. And this can be simply done by adding relevant comments to blog posts and adding useful guest posts on other sites. It’s better to give one relevant comment (and get accepted) that stuffing one hundred url’s into bookmarking site. It works. It is true that all comments are not accepted everwhere. But I think it is right thing that author doesn’t accept comment, if it is of no value to his audience. Afterall, the author creates initial content and, we, commenters, only want to get benefit out of it. At least, let’s contribute something back. Regards, Matija, Slovenia
If you get a link to your ‘money page’ from a new post on someone else’s blog, that website link may not add much value to your site ranking. Most of the time, direct backlinks to your site can take a while to have an effect. But, when you strengthen those backlinks, you will see a bump in organic traffic and rankings.
Quora is filled with people looking for help. All you have to do is search for keywords related to your industry, and you’ll see hundreds, if not thousands, of questions.
Hi there, this is Matija from Slovenia. Let me first thank you for excellent post. Your sentence building links with patience is simply the best. I have been on backlinks building process here on small Slovenian market for years now. And must say your tip to have patience is the most valuable advise ever. I used to have no patience, bought many links through Fiverr, creating PBN’s, stuffing my sites into bookmarking lists and so on and so on. Until I realized it’s actually easier if one settles down and actually start contributing to the net. And this can be simply done by adding relevant comments to blog posts and adding useful guest posts on other sites. It’s better to give one relevant comment (and get accepted) that stuffing one hundred url’s into bookmarking site. It works. It is true that all comments are not accepted everwhere. But I think it is right thing that author doesn’t accept comment, if it is of no value to his audience. Afterall, the author creates initial content and, we, commenters, only want to get benefit out of it. At least, let’s contribute something back. Regards, Matija, Slovenia
Using backlinks as ranking factor helps Google delivering high quality results. Matt Cutts, Google’s SEO face officially confirmed, excluding backlink relevancy resulted in “much worse” search quality.
Yes, Really to create backlinks manually is too hard, Quora is one of the best way to get link naturally. Bookmarking is also a great way to get some links back.
This is very useful information about back links. I think, this is the best way to explain this topic because some bloggers are confused with this concept that how to generate back links. Most of blogger suffer from weak back linking, these techniques are really useful for them. Is the forum posting is also a good technique for generating traffic?
Eric Siu is the CEO of digital marketing agency Single Grain, which has helped venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies grow their revenues. He's also the founder of the marketing podcast, Growth Everywhere.
Thanks Kaiser, especially for the Alexa tip. Probably best to spread these links out over a period of 2-3 months to avoid Googler getting too suspicious. By the way, it seems that mylinkvault.com is brojen – it just wont let me add a new link. Regards, Paul Reply
Nice stategy, it’s work for me. Bye the way, i’ve question about list number 28. “Convert your blog posts to pdf and submit it to document sharing sites” How about duplicate content?
Can you believe 2017 is here already? Last year went fast, right? Like some of the previous years, niche marketing went through a number of developments in 2016. More Google search algorithm changes again. Increased focus on content. And the ever changing SEO techniques. These are just some of the things that kept niche marketers busy and guessing
When I was growing up, my mom loved to remind me how important it was to learn from other people’s mistakes. If my best friend got time-out a recess for drawing during math class, that I was a lesson I could learn without having to make the same mistake myself. If a teenager in our
I know you are busy, so no need to reply. But if you get a spare moment, check out the post. If you like it, feel free to tweet it out.
Asad Ali October 14, 2015 at 4:37 am / Reply Great tutorial! I agree that people don’t usually share their million-dollars secret with others. SEO is more of an art than science. And at the current time 90% of SEO is all about backlinks. I’ve tried to build some high authority backlinks by commenting but it rarely works, especially for niches other than internet markeeting. there are too many websites an SEO niche can comment and get backlinks but this isn’t true for other niches. Guest posting works for all. I am gonna try it.
Richard Bayston creates copy and content at RBCopywriting.com, mostly about tech, digital marketing and content strategy. When he’s not doing that, he’s arguing amicably with his wife and Googling the answers.
Content is undoubtedly king, and in the current digital marketing climate, unique and value-centered content is perhaps the best tool for anyone doing SEO. If you are both putting forth solid content that drives value for the user and you are including relevant and well-aged backlinks throughout your content, you're on the right track.
Hey Neil, Thanks for another great blog post. You always seem to read my mind!! The Quora tactic is a great tip, something I’ll definitely try out in the next few weeks. Keep the great content rolling. Cheers, Will
Daniel, I really appreciate your comment about using IFTTT along with a back link checker. Would you mind providing the specific steps to make this work, including a back link checker you use (would love to use a free one), how you set up the RSS2feed, and set up the recipe to come to an email address? I’d really like to try this, but haven’t used IFTTT before. I’ve been looking at IFTTT, but I can’t figure out how to set up a recipe that will email you whenever backlinks are coming to my competitors’ sites. Thank you.
Tips Anchor text (this is the text that is clickable) should be as descriptive as possible which include your targeted keywords. Avoid "click here" type language at all costs. Social Bookmarking websites are great way to get backlinks, the top page ranked social bookmarking websites that set your backlinks as a Do Follow backlinks are the ones that you should use to build your backlinks. Themed forums can be found by searching for your desired keyword then adding "forum" to the end. (ex "construction forum" for instance) If you don't have any niche directories to submit to and cannot find a forum that is themed towards your niche, you can still take advantage of unique content by submitting to a directory that lets you edit the contents of the page. By writing themed content that surrounds your link, search engines better understand what your site is about. Try submitting to niche directories first as your best links will come from sites that are themed with the same content yours is. Write original content for your descriptions and titles. By doing this you will avoid any duplicate content penalty that might get enforced in the future.
Yogesh July 21, 2015 at 11:52 am / Reply Hi, I was looking for something like and this and after a lot of searches I found your article. It was very helpful and very enjoyable to read. Creating Backlinks is a crucial task and no one likes to sit and write for others or comment on other blogs just to get a backlink but as we know that to rank above you need a lot of backlinks. I will surely try Guest Posting method very soon. It may result in a good way (I hope )
33 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas To Grow Your Email List Fast Money is in the list – I know you’ve heard this a million times. But it’s true! You can’t build a successful niche website, or any sustainable online business for that matter, without a thriving email list. And I’m not saying this without proof. It’s hard to get your website visitors paying for anything online Filed in Email Marketing, Ultimate Guides & Resources by Jawad Khan on March 29, 2017 • 12 Comments
All links are not created equally. And there are 3 things we need to focus on when evaluating links, PR, Page Content & Anchor Text. The best links come from a combination of the 3.
If it’s informative, your attendees will absolutely share it. One easy way to do this is to turn your PowerPoint presentation slides into a SlideShare presentation, and then embed that presentation into a blog post. You can also embed it into the webinar's landing page so that anyone looking to sign up for a webinar that's already over can check out the presentation.
Also, consider classic PR moves like press releases. Bloggers and journalists hoover up information, so if anything has happened – you have a new integration, client, product, feature – make it easy to find. Then you’re likely to be linked to in any article that covers the subject.
Don’t expect people to link back to your website. Some people will do it naturally, but that number will be less than 5%. Roughly 20%-25% of the people you email will tweet out your post. This action will bring more visitors to your website, and a portion of those visitors may end up linking back to you.
Neil, this is a fantastic post. I like the idea to track competitors link. Though it is involving and challenging work, the end result is fulfilling. Thanks man.
74. Do very costly jokes on your blog but indicate it is a joke underneath the post (tricky? ahah!), e.g., “Apple has bought Google for $260Billion”, something like this will get tons of links and retweets before people even know that it is a joke.
Step 2: Reach out to the blog’s owner and build a relationship. You can sign up to any newsletters they offer, follow them on social media, leave comments on their blog posts… don’t just be a business trying to promote yourself. In general, the more you give, the more you will get back.
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